Frequently asked question

Frequently asked question

If you do not find your question below, send us your questions and we will answer as soon as we can. If the topic could potentially interest other clients, we may publish it online.

Q: What is LAIMET circular saw mill’s average return/ 8 hour shift?

A: Achievable return depends on numerous factors. Some factors that affect return are:.

  • dimensions of sawing material
  • size of logs
  • saw’s equipment level
  • experience of operator
  • quality and cleanliness of wood, affects maintenance time of the blade

Regular return varies in full time sawing between about 8m3 to 20m3/ 8h day.

Q: What are the advantages of a digital measuring tool?

A: Standard size and custom size (defined by 15 of our clients) material can be sawn quickly and accurately with the digital measuring tool. For further details, consult our Accessories page.

Q: What are the advantages of the longitudinal transfer feature of the hydraulic log conveyor?

A: The longitudinal transfer feature makes it possible to work with logs of various sizes. When sawing small logs, the log conveyor can be moved close to the centre of gravity of the log and close to the operator. With longer logs the conveyor can be moved close to the log’s centre of gravity further from the operator.

Q: What are the pros and cons of a circular saw mill when compared to a band saw?

A: The most significant advantage to the circular saw mill is it’s speed when compared to a band saw. The amount of finished sawing product is multiplied with a circular saw mill. Another notable advantage is that the sawing product can be finished without any special setups.

Other advantages include:

  • The LAIMET circular saw mill’s blade can be sharpened with the blade in place. The sharpening can be done during breaks without removing the blade.
  • LAIMET circular saw mills can be equipped with the complete ”one man sawing equipment”, enabling the operator to fully operate the saw without assistance.
  • With the LAIMET log conveyor logs can be placed accurately in the exact right position and fastened with the integrated log binder.
  • Even the largest material can be removed from the sawing table with hydraulic equipment.


  • The large quantity of wood caused by the circular saw mill’s thicker blade can potentially be a disadvantage when sawing expensive material.
  • The maximum diameter of the logs is 850mm with the circular saw mill. Large bad saws can handle much larger logs.

Q: What is the maximum size of logs that can be processed with a circular saw mill?

A: With our premium models, LAIMET 120 TOPSAW and 130 TOPSAW, logs up to 850mm in diameter can be processed. The LAIMET 100 can process log up to 600mm in diameter.

Q: What causes the wedge-like shape of sawing product? The product is thinner at the top and thicker on the bottom.

A: There are two potential reasons for this:

  • The body of the saw is not straight. An error in set up or a possible sinking of terrain can cause the body to not be aligned. Check the alignment of the body.
  • The tension of the saw has not been set up correctly according to the speed of rotation or the tension has changed during sawing. Check the tension with the restorer of the blade.

Q: What is the main pressure of the hydraulic system of the circular saw mill?

A: Main pressure is 160 bar.

Q: What is the circular saw mill’s log to finished sawing product ratio?

A: This depends on numerous factors.

  • The size and straightness of the log
  • Dimension demands of sawing product
  • Quality demands of sawing product
  • Experience of operator

The log to finished product ratio is regularly around 50%. The ratio is usually lower with smaller logs compared to bigger logs.